Field trip for our professionals of tomorrow

Corporate Social Responsibility

On the second day of the Land Congress, i.e. Thursday, October 28, 2021, a field trip will be organized for interested students of the Anton de Kom University and other Universities of Applied Sciences in Suriname, with an interest in land matters.
In this way, we contribute to the development of our young professionals.
This is part of Terzol Vastgoed NV’s policy of corporate social responsibility.
In Philippians 2:4 (NIV) it says that we should not only look at our own interests, but also at that of others.

About the various land titles and the estate problem in Suriname

Chequita Akkal-Ramautar, full-time lecturer at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname and former member of the State Council, will address the students about the various land titles and the estate problems in Suriname.
Undivided and unadministered estates of real estate in Suriname are an ongoing problem that stands in the way of Suriname’s economic progress.
Chequita Akkal-Ramautar obtained her PhD at the Faculty of Culture and Law of the Open University in Heerlen (the Netherlands) for her research into the extensive estate problems in Suriname.
It has mapped out the legal titles assigned to land from the 17th century onwards, laying the foundations for the solution of this long-standing problem.

About ‘Smart and Green’ building and living

Our traditional way of building and living needs to undergo a transformation.
We need to build and live ‘smart and green’.
Richard Eykenduyn of the Ministry of Public Works, will talk about Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) and Modular Construction, among other things.
CLT is a large-scale, prefabricated, solid wood panel, is lightweight yet very strong, with superior acoustic, fireproof, seismic and thermal performance.
CLT is also quick and easy to install and generates almost no waste on the construction site.
CLT offers design flexibility and has a low environmental impact.
For these reasons, CLT is a very economical alternative to conventional materials such as concrete.
Modular construction is a process in which a building is constructed off-site, under controlled factory conditions, using the same materials and designs according to the same codes and standards as conventionally built facilities, but in about half the time.

About the pans and the projected “2nd Ring Road”

Joel Terzol, CEO of Terzol Vastgoed NV and Project Developer of Ring Harbour, is an advocate of sustainable development and is committed to corporate social responsibility in the real estate sector.
The fact that care for people and the environment is deep in Terzol’s heart is also evident from the way in which Ring Harbour is being developed.
In the past, Ring Harbour was a shell and sand mine.
The excavations created pans and swamps that were used to dump waste after mining.
Terzol will inform the students about the cleaning process of the pans, and the short and long term consequences for people and the environment.
Terzol will also highlight the importance of the projected “2nd Ring Road” during the Fieldtrip.
Ring Harbour stretches from the North Ring Road to the Atlantic Ocean.
Across the project, the New Charlesburg Road will be connected to the Brantimaka Road.
This road runs parallel to the Kwattaweg to Weg naar Zee, and is also known as the ‘second ring road’.

About the impact of beekeeping on the environment

The most innovative beekeeper in Suriname, the well-known Fabian Esajas, will also inform the students about the Beekeeping activities at Ring Harbour and their impact on the environment.
Esajas is director/owner of the company Ambrosius Bees and also provides training (with the support of the IADB, among others) to other beekeepers in Suriname.
Mangrove forests can be found along the shores of Suriname to the mouths of rivers and further inland.
The bees are attracted to the Parwa flowers and provide pollination, resulting in multiplication of the Mangrove forest.
Mangrove helps against coastal erosion, provides protection against storms, and is a crucial part of the solution to climate change worldwide.

Résumé and thanks

Jair Schalkwijk, Coordinator of the Master’s programme in Social Development & Policy at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname and Partner at Door Advisory, will give a summary speech to the students at the end of the Fieldtrip.
Our thanks go out to everyone who participates in this Fieldtrip and who has contributed in any way to its realization.

Terzol Real Estate Land Congress 27, 28 and 29 October 2021

From 27 to 29 October 2021, for the first time in Suriname, a Land Congress will be held with the theme ‘Apartment Law’.
This Congress is a private initiative of Terzol Vastgoed NV and is organized by Tabto Group NV.
The purpose of this Congress is to increase awareness and the sense of urgency of Apartment Law, in order to speed up the adoption of the Act.
Due to the pandemic, the Congress will be broadcast live, in order to give as many individuals and companies as possible the opportunity to participate and ask questions.
The event can be followed via live streaming on the Facebook event page of Terzol Vastgoed NV: Interested parties who wish to stay informed about the activities can register via the website:

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