Supplies Appraisal

To perform a property valuation, some supplies are required. From the client, we need the following documents and information:

  1. Details of the property
    • Property address.
    • Glis data (mortgage extract and plot ID).
    • Year of construction and area of plot and building.
    • Property type information (e.g., lot, house, commercial property, etc.).
  2. Information about the property
    • Detailed description of the property, including number of rooms, bathrooms and other amenities.
    • Information on any improvements, renovations or additions to the property.
  3. Property and mortgage information
    • Property documents, including any previous appraisal reports.
    • Information on current mortgage, if applicable.
  4. Maintenance and repair history
    • Documentation of any recent maintenance and repair work on the property.
    • Any warranty certificates for work performed.
  5. Documents on the use of the property
    • Information on any rental income (if rented out).
    • Zoning or permits that may affect the use of the property (e.g., for commercial purposes).
  6. Personal documents
    • Identification documents (e.g., passport or ID).

Having this information on hand will help the appraiser perform an accurate and reliable appraisal of your property. It is also helpful to prepare any questions you may have about the appraisal process or the value of your property.

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